Accepted Presentations

One of the greatest strengths of IAFOR’s international conferences is their international and intercultural diversity. As of August 14, 2024, MediAsia2024 has received over 340 submissions from 41 countries and territories - including: Australia, Indonesia, Japan, Malaysia, Philippines, Singapore, South Korea, Taiwan, the United States, and Vietnam.

The following submissions have been accepted for presentation at MediAsia2024.

Advertising, Marketing, & Public Relations
- Big Data to Big Impact: A Correlation Analysis of Customer Analytics and Brand Performance
- Camera Eats First: Developing a Consumer Cognitive Hierarchy for Restaurant Check-in Behaviors
- Communication Campaign of Social Marketing to Reduce Noncommunicable Diseases (NCDs):The Case of Diabetes Mellitus at BaanTakhun Hospital in Southern Thailand
- Do I Love “Green”?: The Interplay Between Green Perceived Value, Brand Experience, and Brand Love Among H&M Consumers in Indonesia
- Evaluating Indonesian Consumer Perceptions of H&M’s Eco-Friendly Campaign: the Mediating Role of Perceived Quality
- Foreign Products Are Better than Local Ones: Do Customers Still Think the Same Way?
- I-Check Out Mo Na ’Yan!: The Buying Behavior of Filipino Millennials and Gen Zs on Ready-to-Wear Products Through TikTok Live
- Macho Adverts: Analysing Hypermasculinity in Popular Ghanaian Alcoholic Beverage Advertisements
- Prevalence of Marketing Communication Avoidance in Indonesia
- Public Relations Practices in Government Colleges Offering Journalism and Mass Communication
- The Dynamics of COVID-19 Vaccine Acceptance in the Philippines: An Analysis of Communication Strategies Used by the Department of Health
- The Effect of Food Image Proximity in Advertisements on Consumers’ Purchase Intentions
- The Phenomenon of Gimmick Platform E-Wallet and Increased Transactions on TikTok Shop Among Students in Jakarta
- TikTok as the Emerging Shoppertainment Platform in the Philippines: a Comprehensive Review
- Unlocking Motivation and Well-Being: the Transformative Power of Anime, Manga, and Games for Malaysian Youth
- Using Community-Based Social Marketing in Regular Class to Promote Secondhand Smoke Avoidance Behaviors Among Youths

Archive-Based Studies
- Co-Constructing Our Cultural Memory: Public Participation Strategies in Taiwan’s National Archival Projects

- Chua Boon Hean and the Shaw Brothers in Singapore
- The Autobiography as a Site of Performance: A Study of Zohra Segal’s (1912–2014) Close-up

Broadcast Media & Globalization
- Assessing TV News Channel’s Coverage on Smog Issue and Its Impact on the Residents of Lahore
- Broadcast Media Diversity as an ‘Enabling Environment’ for Sustainable Media Democratization: A Media Ecology Perspective
- From Subculture to Popular Culture: The Transformation of Korean Wave in Malaysia
- Negotiating Cultural Hegemony in the Streaming Age: A Comparative Case Study of Netflix’s Expansion into South Korea and Taiwan
- Opportunities and Challenges for the Thai Content Industry Penetrating Maritime South East Asia Market
- Transcultural Adaptation of Korean TV Formats: Localizing Variety Show ‘Produce 101 Season 2’ in China and Japan

Communication Theory and Methodology
- A New Approach to Understanding How Civil Societies Make Meaning: The Relationship Between Noise, Listening and Civil Action
- Factors Affecting Kuwait University Students’ Adoption of Social Media
- The Communication Theory of Identity: Awareness of and Responses to Identity Gaps During College Internship

Critical and Cultural Studies, Gender and Communication
- “Shanghai in the Night”: A Study of Urban Memory on Ballroom Dance Culture based on the Republican Shanghai Films(1920s-1940s)
- A Whore or a Virgin: An Exploration of Female Rage in Taylor’s the Tortured Poet’s Department
- Class Contexts in Popular Drama and Horror in Crisis Times
- Deer Woman: Come and Get Your Love
- Entrepreneurial Masculinities: Online Intimacy Coaching in Greece
- Fathers’ Parental Involvement in the Age of the Internet: An Exploration of Father-Teenage-Child Conversations About Social Media Content Creation
- From Representation to Reality: The Influence of Media Culture on Workplace Experiences of White-Collar Khwaja Sira in Pakistan
- Keboan Aliyan Festival: Commodification of Rituals as Tourism Attraction
- Listeners’ Participation in Community Radio: A Case of Radio Grahamstown, South Africa
- Online Queer Media Resistances: Challenging Heteronormativity Through Queer Resistance in the Boys’ Love Web Series ‘Like in the Movies’ (2020)
- Pink Movement and the Sole Female Runner: Framing Analysis of News Coverage During the 2022 Philippine Elections
- Representation of the Femininity and Female Characters in Tom and Jerry: A Structuralist-Semiotic Content Analysis
- The Construction of Artistic Fulfillment and Recognition of Independent Filmmakers in Iloilo City in a Capital-Centric Film Industry
- The Effect of AI Companion Applications on Human Intimacy
- The Paradox of ‘Jogja Kota Pelajar’: Media Discourse, Educational Equity, and the Marginalization of Local Youths
- The Racialisation of AIDS in Denmark: Analysing Tabloid Media Scandals of Sex, Race, and Contagion
- The Sociolinguistic Dynamics of K-pop Fandom: Creation and Dissemination of Neologisms
- Unmasking Hate: A Critical Analysis of Anti-LGBTQ+ Discourse in Malaysian Social Media
- Using Folktales in Media Discourse Addressed to Young People: “Umm Al-Duwais” in the Animated Series “Mansour” as a Mode
- Visibility, Commercialisation, and Doing Feminism: A Case Study of a Chinese Lifestyle Creator’s Initial and Continued Production of Feminist Content
- Women’s Voices: An Analysis of Arab Women’s Poetry and its Role in Empowerment

Digital Media and Use of New Technology in Newsgathering
- Emerging Technologies in Journalism Practice: The Ethical and Legal Implications
- Exploring the Connection Between Human-Computer Interaction (HCI) and New Media Arts
- Impact of Mixed Reality on Interactive Space Science Narratives in the UAE
- Revolutionizing Newsgathering: The Impact of Digital Media and New Technologies
- Teaching Critical Media Literacy in the Secondary English Classroom
- The Integration of Artificial Intelligence and Television Conventional Broadcasting: Challenges and Opportunities in Jordan

Documentary History
- Politics of Omission: the Hong Kong Film Unit in the Watershed Moment of Global Decolonization

Education and Scholastic Journalism
- Immersive Learning Experience Using XR
- Investigating Practices of Participatory Communication Among Children with Intellectual Disabilities
- Your ‘Justice’ vs. My ‘Justice’: Quantifying Word Mental States in Context

Film and Literature: Artistic Correspondence
- A New Chapter of Man-Machine Dance: A Theoretical Conception of AIGC Enabling Complex Narratives
- Feminism, Film History, and Orson Welles’s Lady Macbeth
- Print to Screen: Analysing Film Adaptations – a Critique and Writing Course on the Process of Re-imagining Literature for Cinema
- The Values-Based Compass: A Tool for Fostering Critical Thinking and Creativity in Youth-Related Short Films Among AB Communication Students

Film Criticism and Theory
- Canvassing: Using Black Bodies to Paint Portraits of Lesser Value at the Movies
- Childism and Maternal Dysfunction in Tatsushi Ōmori’s Mother (2020)
- Chris Marker in Japan: The Transnational Journey and Global Heritage of Essay Films
- Cultural Symbolism in Vietnamese Horror Films
- Exploring “Emotion” and “Body” in Post-3.11 Documentaries
- Exploring the “Meta-Realism” of Documentary Film in New Media Context
- Faith, Science, and Alien Judgement: Philosophical Dimensions in 3 Body Problem
- Framing Land Loss and Dispossession Through Film: On This is Not a Burial, It’s a Resurrection
- Money, Hollywood and Sex: Prostitutes Wandering in Cinematic Space of Fruit Chan
- Nostalgia and Modernity: A Theoretical Analysis of ‘And Just Like That…’ Through the Lens of Postmodernism and Feminist Theory
- Postfeminism in China: The Transformation of Modern Female Images in Chick Flicks
- Realism and Fantasy in Nazareth: Intertextuality Reading of the Space in Palestinian Films
- Salaryman Horror: Tokyo Sonata and the Fear of Alienation
- Small, Slow but Steady (2022): Visualization of the Sound and the Body
- Subaltern Perspective, Gender Politics, and Affective Investment: A Feminist Reading of the Chinese Film “YOLO” (2024)
- Suppressing Media Dysfunction Impacted by Commodification of Viral Content: A Case Study of Indonesian Horror Film Trends
- Toward Automating the Classification of Films’ Narrative Structures
- Uri: The Surgical Strike (2019) and Fighter (2024): Indian War Films as Revenge Drama
- Where is the Sense of Belonging? Cultural Displacement & Identity in the Accented Cinema of So Yong Kim

Film Direction and Production
- “Teachers” Are About to Graduate: An Experimental Ethnographic Study of Chinese Student Film Crews
- Bright on the Grey Sea: Reconsider Film Poetry Through a Chinese Lens
- Conversations with Malaysia’s Freedom Film Network (FFN) Documentary Filmmakers
- Female Authorship, Subjectivity, and Transcultural Resonances in Ling Jia’s “Yoyo!”
- The Representation of Indigenous Peoples and Their Narrative Tropes in Taiwanese Cinema After 2000

Film History
- Postcolonial Relevance: Challenging the Complacencies in Film Studies
- Reception of ‘Chinese Cinema’ in Modern Korean Film Criticism (1927-1949)
- Silent Films – What Is There to Translate?

Films and Digital Distribution (use of the internet and video sharing)
- A Third Kind of Bollywood: Experimentation, Netflix, and “Amar Singh Chamkila” (2024)
- Streaming the Profane: Gandi Baat and the Desi Digital Erotica in India

International Communication
- Implementation of Language Proficiency Assessments for the Training of Community Interpreters
- Public Diplomacy on Facebook: A Comparative Analysis of Digital Diplomatic Strategies of the United States, China in Bangladesh
- Unpredictable Box Office Performance of Franchise Blockbusters: The Fading “Magical” Appeal of the Fantastic Beasts Series in Mainland China

- “Stuff of Legend”?: Investigating the National Broadcaster’s Visual Representation of Australia’s ‘Brumby’
- Analyzing the Impact of Business and Financial News in Creating Economic Inclusivity to the Filipino Working Class
- Artificial Intelligence Meets Political Polarization: A Study of Turkish Media Framing
- Democratic Backsliding and Sharpened Media Polarisation in South Korea
- Journalists and Machines: Applying the Technology Adaptation Model to Understand AI Use in TV Journalism
- Media Literacy and Fake News Vulnerability: A Study on the Bodo Medium Students of Bodoland
- Media Slant and the Coverage of Quran Burnings: A Multimodal Framing Analysis
- Pakistani Media’s Response to Countering Conspiracy Theories During the COVID-19 Pandemic
- The Adoption of Artificial Intelligence into Journalism Practice: Perspectives from the Ghanaian Media Industry

Law, Policy & Media Ethics
- “Political Fairness” in Japan: A Comparative Analysis with the US Legal Framework
- Blurred Lines and Bright Lights: Ethical Quandaries in the Portrayal of True Events in Hollywood Films
- Development of Cooperation for Consumer Protection in Broadcasting and Television Businesses in Thailand
- Ethical Dilemmas in Media Coverage of Israel – Palestine Conflict: Analysis of the New York Times
- Governance Strategies for China’s Television ‘Matryoshka’ Pricing Chaos from the Perspective of Global Media Industry Management Research
- Popularization of Land Laws Through Legal Communication in Digital Media Platforms
- Poverty Porn vs Public Service Examining the Ethical Dimensions of “Raffy Tulfo in Action” in Media Ethics
- Sensationalism in YouTube Viral Contents: How Heavily Emotion-Loaded Contents Are Ignoring News Standards in Nepal
- Transparency in Education in the Bolsonaro Government: A Topic Modeling of Requests via the Brazilian Freedom of Information Act

Mass Communication
- “Revenge Is not a Crime, It’s a Karmic Duty”: Identity and Narrative in the Crime Web Series Paatal Lok (2020)
- Communication Consonance for Holistic Health: Towards Bridging Trust Deficits for Integrative Health in India
- Comparative Analysis of Media Framing: Al Jazeera and BBC’s Coverage of the COVID-19 Pandemic
- Exploring the Dynamics of Violence and Power in School in Thai Teen Series “Girl From Nowhere”
- Korean-Japanese Collaboration Dramas under Japan-Korea Relations
- Political Online Marketing: Ramifications and Prospects for Nigeria’s General Elections in 2023
- The Educational Significance of Variety Shows on Young People’s Career Choices: The Case of the Chinese Variety Show ‘Let’s Farm’
- The Reflection of Society in Udom Taephanich’s Stand-up Comedy

Media and Education: Training Journalists
- Investigating Media and Information Literacy Skills for Future Teachers and Media Major Students: The Need for Comprehensive Media Education
- Journalists Training in Post-conflict Setting: The Importance of Media Information Literacy in South Sudan

Media Disaster Coverage
- Framing Heatwave as a Disaster: A Content Analysis of Heatwave Coverage in Digital Broadsheets
- Preferring Reactivity over Proactivity: Exploring the Nature of Bangladeshi Print Media in Covering Environmental News
- When Disaster Creates Ruptures: Analyzing the Influence of Media Narratives in the Aftermath of the 1970 East Pakistan Cyclone
- Working with Disaster-Affected Communities to Build Better Communication for Compound Natural Hazards

Media History
- Cultural Resistance in Manchuria: the Underground Communist Intellectuals’ Use of Media, Art, and Literature (1931-1945)
- The ‘Radio Towers’ of Kyoto: Media, State and Society in Interwar Japan
- Tracing Mediated Representations of the Wild ‘Brumby’ Horse in Australia’s Early Newspapers

Media Management and Economics
- Peak TV and the Rise of Original Scripted Television on Basic and Premium Services in the United States
- Rationalization of Work Process: Organizational Contexts and the Use of E-work Apps in China
- Trends and Trajectories of Riyadh’s Cinema Sector Landscape Post-2017

Newspapers & Magazines as Print/Digital Media
- Fact-Checking Platforms and Fake News in the Turkey Media: A Case Study of Four Newspapers
- The Pragmatic Aspect of Indonesian and Polish Press Death Notices: An Analysis from the Perspective of Comparative Genre Studies

Political Communication and Satire
- An Artefact of Framing Effect – Understanding Political Memes as Byproduct of News Framing
- Civilizational Discourse in China-India Film Co-Productions
- Comparative Analysis of the Political Message Strategy and Transmedia Storytelling Techniques in the 2022 Philippines Presidential Elections
- Digitalisation, Online Activism and Civic Politics in Contemporary Bangladesh
- Media Usage and Political Attitudes of Indonesian Catholic Youth
- Remix News About War: The Democratic Consolidation Generation’s Engagement with Crazy News and OM Goose in Taiwanese Society

Social Media and Communication Technology
- A Study on the Disinformation Landscape During Malaysia’s 15th General Elections
- Co-creating Media Innovation for Social Value: The Thai Media Lab Model
- Digital Democracy: The Role of Social Media and Communication Technology in the 2024 Indian Lok Sabha Election
- Discourse Analysis of Polytechnic University of the Philippines – College of Communication Student Council’s Representation of Socio-Political Issues on Social Media
- Exploring Social Media as Tool for Political Campaigns in Polokwane Municipality
- Fostering Citizen Engagements and Community Development through Digital Media Literacy: A Phenomenological Study of Sub-Urban Delhi
- Hey Siri: Exploring Users’ Motivation to Adopt Artificial Intelligence Voice-Based Assistants
- Impact of Parental Control Features on Social Media Platforms in Northern Nigeria
- In Birth Control We Trust: Analyzing Modern Contraception Behavior and Parasocial Relationships with Health Personalities Online
- It’s Time to Podcast: Hype or Here to Stay? a Pre- and Post-pandemic Trend Study
- JOMCHECK: Initiative to Educate Mil Among Malaysian via Social Media Content Production
- Mental Health Consultation Through Telemedicine, Does it Work? A Case Study of Psychologists and Patients in Online Consultation
- Moroccan Youth and the Use of YouTube Content for Alternative Political Discourse: Impact on Mainstream Politics
- Nationalism and Social Media in China: A Case Study of Chinese Nationalist Movement Against Muslim Minorities on Sina Weibo
- Reception of Chinese Digitalised Public Diplomacy: A Comparative Study Between Publics in Türkiye and the UK
- Suspension of Disbelief and the Emotional Engagement with AI Chatbots: Implications for Interpersonal Communication
- Taking the Law Into Their (Virtual) Hands: Facebook and Digital Vigilantism
- Tele-Presence: A Critical Study of Telematic-Art in the Context of Dromology and Spatio-Temporal Perception
- The Context of Thai Media Influences the Podcasting Business in Thailand
- The Influence of Media Usage Habit on News Consumptions and Credibitlity Perception
- The Integration of Cross-cultural Comminication in Performing Arts: A Short Video Making Project
- The Psychological Impacts of Engagement in K-pop Fandom Activities: Artist and Fandom Identification, Loneliness, and Depression
- The Role of Social Media In Government Communication During COVID-19 Pandemic: The Case of KSA
- Twitter and Its Elements: Analysis the Performance of Palestinian Digital Diplomacy on Twitter
- Understanding the Role of Personal Motivations in Social Media Use and Choices for Interpersonal Communication
- Unveiling Toxic Fandom: Dark Side of Online Heavy Metal Communities
- Virtual Confessions: Understanding the Needs and Functions of Israeli Confession Pages on Facebook
- Why Do Homophonic Pun Memes Gain Popularity on Social Media? Examining the Cultural Significance and Influence of Homophonic Pun Memes
- Youth and Social Networks: Taking a Closer Look at Digital Interfaces in Media Education

Sports, Media & Globalisation
- Not Just a Game: Power, Politics, and Media Coverage of Qatar’s World Cup 2022

Teaching and Learning
- How to Apply Critical Realism Paradigm in the Analysis of Academic Literature

Visual Communication
- A Multimodal Textual Analysis of the Art of Narration in Children’s Picture Books: A Multimodal Critical Stylistic Approach
- Empowering Indonesian Ceramicists Through Participatory Design: Co-Designing a Mobile Application
- Ephemeral Content as an Instrument to Convey Identitary Values in Masstige Fashion Brands’ Communication
- Exploring Gen Z’s User Experience with Digital Newspapers: An Exploratory Study
- Fanon’s Critique of the Effects of Television Soap Opera Violence on Adolescents’ Behavior in South Africa
- No Voices from the Valley: Coverage of the Abrogation of Kashmir’s Special Status
- Photography and Visual Diary: Participatory Visual Research for Creating Educational Toys that Enhance Social Skills in Children with Disabilities
- Representation of Freedom in Attack on Titan: A Critical Multimodal Approach
- The Allure of the Yesteryears: Defining ‘Fauxstalgia’ Consumption in Singapore Through Traditional Shophouse Signages
- The Overlooked Cases of Female Hikikomori: Visual Representation in Manga
- Transforming Documentary Filmmaking: The Role of Artificial Intelligence in Visual Communication